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Liquid Risk Parity

Differentiated factor exposures to manage your portfolio risk without sacrificing return.


Invest without compromise.


Liquid Risk Parity Indices Dashboards


Assess the performance and risk of indices delivering risk parity. Regions include Global, the US, and Global xUS. All regions deliver targeted risk levels of 12, 14, and 16 percent.


Capital Risk can tailor the investment to meet any portfolio objective, which includes total return index replication, alpha overlays, and duration extension. Your objectives. Your portfolio.  Invest without compromise.


Note that results are indicative. Actual results will vary.


Liquid, Transparent, Accessible, and Efficient.


Note: Dashboard best viewed in Firefox, Safari, or in private mode on other browsers. Viewing issues result from insecure browsers.


Liquid Risk Parity:

A Primer

Risk managed portfolios outperform traditional asset allocations. Liquid risk parity delivers accessible and efficient factor exposures through balance and adaptation. Invest without compromise. Assess how with this primer.

Long Beach, CA  |  213-459-3332


©2003-2024 Capital Risk Management LLC. All rights reserved.


Capital Risk Management is a Registered Investment Advisor in California and may transact business there and in other states where it is notice filed or exempt.

Please note that although Capital Risk Management LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser, readers should be aware that registration with any state securities authority

does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Additional information about Capital Risk is available on the SEC’s website at or

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