Laboring Productivity and Free Trade
Labor and capital have battled perpetually since the dawn of humanity. This struggle usually resolved itself through the barrel of a...

A Delicate Balance for the Treasury
The President will face a delicate balancing act when his fiscal and trade proposals meet the reality of the Treasury market's supply and...

Trump's Neo-Keynesian Impulse
To give equal treatment to the economic ideology divide, appease his inner Keynesian, and repel congressional Republicans, Trump has...

Trumponomics: Reganomics Without the Dividend
The equity markets have caught a bid while the bond market falls on fears of the return of inflation. Any why not? In the interest of...

False Equivalence and Dallying Democrats
All strategies are plans of action with strategic priorities; however, they must respond to unforeseen events as they develop. Donald...

Trump´s Triumph and the Failure to Focus
A critical aspect of success in business is to identify your path forward and focus on execution. Trump and the Republicans focused on...

Identity Politics and the Inability to Identify
The Democratic party sits in tatters and blames forces beyond their control, however, their strategic failures were of their own making....